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OSU Emeriti Association

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Policies and Procedures

Approved by the Oklahoma State Emeriti Association Council:  May 21, 2018

Updated:  June 30, 2023

1. Membership in the OSU Emeriti Association is open to all retired employees of Oklahoma State University (faculty and staff), spouses of current or deceased Emeriti members, retired federal personnel associated with OSU, members of the Board of Regents, and retirees from other A&M institutions. Other retirees with significant relationships to OSU may become members upon approval of the Council.


2. Annual dues are $25.00 per person or $35.00 per couple and are due and payable each  year on January 1st.  Life membership may be purchased for $200 per person or $250 per couple.  Lifetime membership will also be given to all members that have paid dues for 10 years.  Life membership does not expire.  Checks for annual dues and life memberships should be made payable to the OSU Emeriti Association and should be mailed to OSU Emeriti Association, 201 ConocoPhillips Alumni Center, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078.  Membership cards are issued by the chair of the Membership Committee.  Dues not received by May 1 may cause the member's name to be offmitted from the annually updated directory.


3. Names of deceased members will be omitted from the Membership Roster in the Directory, but will be included in the list “In Memoriam”.


4. Meetings of the Association or its affiliated groups which meet in University facilities will follow the University policies on closure. If the University is closed due to inclement weather, Association meetings are cancelled. The chair/facilitator of those affiliated groups which meet in facilities not on campus will notify participants of any closing/cancellation by a method appropriate for that group.


5. If a request is received from an organization or individual for the Association to support an endeavor, the President shall decide if the request is in concert with the Purposes of the organization. If the request meets one or more of those purposes, the President shall direct the Administrative Assistant to send out the announcement by blind email. If the President is uncertain or needs more input, the President shall bring the request to Council for consideration. The President shall inform the requesting party of the decision.


6. Information about individual members will not be released without approval of that member. Association Directories or group listings may be distributed to outside organizations or individuals only upon approval of the Council


7. The Treasurer will have information regarding the tax-exempt number. Instructions about the procedures for purchasing items and receiving reimbursement can be obtained from the Treasurer. This information should be available to members who require the information to conduct the business of the Association.


8. Expenditures anticipated beyond the budgeted amount or expenditures outside of a budgeted item shall be submitted in advance for the approval by the Council.


9. Basic instructions (including the password and mailbox number) for accessing and using the voice mail system should appear in the Job Description of the Emeriti Association Administrative Assistant.


10. Requests by non-member groups to use the Emeriti Association facilities should be brought to the Council for referral to the Alumni Association for consideration.


11. Since meetings and dinners of the Association are for the benefit of members and occasional guests, the Membership Chair should provide a membership application encouraging membership to any prospective member who attends functions.


12. Reservations for Association meetings (i.e. Monday night dinners) are due to the Association office at a time specified to give the caterers their required notice (typically 3-7 business days) of the number of meals to prepare. Members requesting reservations past the deadline are told they may attend, as most caterers are prepared for a few extra people above the count given to them. However, members requesting reservations past the deadline may or may not be admitted to the meal but may attend the program. a. Members 90 years of age and older do not pay for the meal. b. Guests who are prospective members receive a one-time complimentary meal. c. Members making reservations for Association meetings are expected to pay for their meals whether or not they attend the dinner. “No shows” may be billed for their meals by the Treasurer.


13. Requests for Emeriti member volunteers to serve at various campus or other events should be referred to the chair of the Ambassadors/Alumni Relations Committee.


14. The Investment Club shall elect its own officers and be governed by a Partnership Agreement and a separate set of Bylaws. The Investment Club shall make reports to the Vice-President for Activities no later than January 15th of the following year.


15. Standing committee chairpersons and liaisons with affiliated organizations should make reports to the Council as needed to keep the Council informed in a timely manner regarding relevant issues. As a minimum, each chairperson/liaison is expected to submit a written report to the Council at the end of each calendar year, no later than January 15 of the following year.


16. Non-cash gifts offered to the Association will be reviewed by the President. The President will make recommendations to the Council regarding the acceptance and use of the gift. The Council will determine acceptance, and use of the gift, consistent with any wish of the donor. The Treasurer will issue a receipt acknowledging the gift, with a description of the gift. In the event a gift is not accepted, the President will send a letter explaining the decision.


17. When items are loaned to the Association, the person lending the item should be advised in writing that the Association assumes no liability for its maintenance, security, or safety. The person should be given a receipt acknowledging the kind of item, the date it was received, and the length of time of use (if known). The item itself shall be identified as to the owner and recorded in an appropriate record with the Historian.


18.  Each officer and committee chair shall update his/her job description annually by the September Council meeting. If no description exists, the incumbent will develop one based on duties defined in the Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies and Procedures or duties assigned before/or during his/her term. The President shall provide a job description to each new officer or committee chair. The job descriptions will be made available to the Nominating Committee for use in contacting candidates.


19. At the time election results are announced, the newly elected Officers and Councilors should be invited by the President to attend the December dinner and any Council meeting that might be scheduled to occur before they officially take office. They should be informed of the general nature of their official duties before they are elected.


20. The outgoing President will announce new officers at the December dinner.


21. The December Council meeting will be held the second Monday of the month. Incoming, continuing and outgoing Council members will attend. Any business of Council will be voted on only by the current year’s Council members.


22. Past reports, minutes, clippings, and records of the Association shall be given to the Historian by February 1st to be filed in the Archives at the OSU Library – Special Collections.


23. The President is to review the agreement between the Emeriti Association and the Alumni Association with the President of the Alumni Association annually.


24. Every odd year or as needed the President will appoint an ad hoc Committee to review the Constitution, By-Laws, and Policy and Procedures. The Committee will report their findings by September of the year appointed.


25. The President, when aware of an elected councilor or officer who does not (regularly) attend meetings or who is unable to accept responsibility for the duties of the office for which elected, will bring this to the attention of the Emeriti Council for discussion and appropriate action.


26. The Association will maintain a website (http:// for the benefit of Association members. There, members can access the Association’s Constitution, By-Laws, and its Policies and Procedures. Members may also become informed about their Association’s history, activities the Association sponsors (such as Association meetings, interest groups, emeriti volunteer opportunities, travel groups), and current officers and Council representatives. Communication with members via periodic Association Newsletters and Updates can be accessed also.