Monday, October 30, 2017
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Anne Matoy, Ron Elliott, Tana Rutan, Dennis Bertholf, Russ Wright
COMMITTEE CHAIRS/REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dolores Willett, Althea Wright, Clem Ward, Kay Keys, Zane Quible, Jack Dillwith, Doug Aichele, Bob Wettemann, Barbara Miller, Kent Olson, Charles Leider
Agenda: Approved
Council Minutes: With no further corrections the minutes stand approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: Approved by: Ron Elliott, Treasurer
Ron mentioned not all dinner related bills are in at this time. $210.00 disbursed from checking to enable $1,000.00 award for the Scholarship Recipient. Received one annual dues amount. Total spendable assets (sum of 4 ending balances) $35,556.68. Dennis motioned to approve the report and Althea seconded and motion passed.
Reports and Updates
Sharon Nivens
Anne mentioned in Sharon’s absence, all New Retiree letters have gone out and have had several responses. A few have come back due to incorrect addresses. At the next Dinner Meeting we need to talk about membership renewals and contributions to the Emeriti Association/Scholarship Funds.
Vice-President Activities
Dennis Bertholf
November Dinner Meeting
Russ Wright
Kyle Gibbs of the Stillwater Police Department will be the speaker and Mexico Joe’s will supply the Meal. The December meeting will be at Meditations with Stillwater High Choral group providing the entertainment. A January meeting is not scheduled. The February Dinner meeting speaker will be someone from the City. The topic will be the various Bond Issues in Stillwater.
Travel Update
The Branson trip scheduled for December 5-7 will make and we have room for three more people to come along on this trip.
Interest Groups
Making the Most of Retirement
The November 15 meeting will feature Laura Payne, volunteer coordinator at the OSU Botanic Garden. The title of her presentation is “Volunteering at the OSU Botanic Garden.” On January 17, 2018 Daryl Nord will present “A Tour of Israel.”
The Tech Group
Glade Presnal
Glade was not present but we believe the group will meet this month at the usual time.
Anne Matoy
With the Benefit changes we are asking Benefits Representative, Amy Hoy to send a letter explaining the process for acting on these changes with Chard Snyder and the Bursar. We will then send this explanation out to all Emeriti Members.
Financial Gift Study Group
The study group is being formed with Dolores Willett as Chair. So far we have Ron and two other people. We need total of 5 people to participate. This group will help with a decision to allocate the McCollom donation.
Communications – Update
The Update well include: The Branson Trip, Dues and Membership Renewal, Upcoming Events and Benefit Changes.
Russ Wright
Russ mentioned we need two volunteers for the November games. For the December 16 Commencements one at 10:30 and one at 1:30, we need eight volunteers for each session.
Ann suggested the Ambassadors might call a friend and ask them to come along and just see what being an Ambassador is all about. Once they know it is fun and rewarding, we may get more volunteers.
Past President
Russ Wright
He has contacted several people to fill the Council vacancies and he gets a “No” from all so far. Vacancies are: President Elect, Membership Chair, and a Council member. Several Council Members suggested names of people they know that might be interested in participating on the Council. They will contact these folks and if anyone is interested they will let Russ know.
It was suggested that Misty and the Membership Chairperson use the same master list of members in order stop doubling the work of making two lists. They would have the same password and be able to work on just one membership list.
University/Faculty Standing Committee Report
Faculty Council Appointment
Anne Matoy
All Faculty Council Committee positions are filled.
Barbara Miller has agreed to attend the Faculty Council meetings. She reported on the most recent one and mentioned we can see the minutes of each meeting posted on the web site.
At 2:30 Anne asked for a motion to adjourn and Doug made the motion and Clem seconded and meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tana Rutan