Monday, September 25, 2017
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Anne Matoy, Sharon Nivens, Ron Elliott, Dennis Bertholf, Russ Wright, Tana Rutan
COMMITTEE CHAIRS/REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clem Ward, Jack Dillwith, Bob Wettemann, Zane Quible, Glade Presnal, Dolores Willett, Kent Olson
Agenda: Approved
Council Minutes: Kent made a motion to approve August minutes as last distributed and Bob seconded and motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Approved by: Ron Elliott, Treasurer
Ron noted that $200.00 has been added to the scholarship fund so the Student will receive total of $1,000.00 during the year. Value of Endowment $43,743.20, Total Spendable Assets $35,673.99 for August 2017. Clem motioned to approve Treasurer’s Report and Russ seconded and motion passed.
Reports and Updates
Sharon Nivens
Sharon reported we have no new members since our last meeting. Anne was successful in getting a list of recent retirees and also in getting H.R. to create a program in the Banner System that will now produce a report regularly listing new retirees. This week a mass mailing to 229 retirees will go out to those who retired since the new Banner System was installed.
Vice-President Activities
Dennis Bertholf
October Dinner Meeting
Russ Wright
Steve Dobbs, Landscape Service Manager for OSU will be the speaker for the October dinner meeting. Celebrations catering will provide the meal. For the November meeting, Kyle Gibbs, Police Information Officer will be the speaker with Mexico Joes providing the meal. We will have our December meeting at Meditations with Stillwater High Choral group providing the entertainment. We usually don’t have a January meeting….
Travel Update
After discussion about possible travel to Chrystal Bridges and or travel to Branson this Fall, all agreed that Jack Stout will be asked to look into arrangements and dates for these trips and offer this information to the members if possible at the dinner meeting.
Interest Groups
Zane Quible
Armchair Traveler Series - October 18th Stan and Barbara Grogg will present “Cruising from Cape Town South Africa to Singapore”.
November 15th, Laura Payne: will present “Volunteering at The Botanic Garden at OSU”
Zane will get a list of classes to Misty.
Tech Group
Glade Presnal
Next meeting the topic will be “How do you do that?” A page explaining step by step “How to get No Cost Software” may be provided.
Ann Matoy
Disposition of Financial Gift: A study group is being formed of 4-5 people to come up with the best way to allocate use of this gift. So far Dolores and Ron are in the group. Since more volunteers are needed for the group it was suggested that we ask at the dinner meeting.
Communications – Update
Items to be in the Update coming out Monday will include our Fall trips, Tech Group Meeting, Ambassadors and what they do at football games and graduation, picture of Stan Grogg. In the Newsletter include activities that Emeriti members take part in such as upcoming trips, the travel classes with Groggs'. At dinner meetings first time guests eat free, list of future speakers at dinner meetings, picture of the Emeriti Scholarship recipient, Treasurer’s Report, Faculty Council Committees are filled through academic year, membership drive - sending out mass mailing to new retirees, and we need someone to take photos.
Russ Wright
He and Betty worked the football game and Russ gave us a description of duties for this event and he will get it into the Update along with the duties at graduations.
Past President
Russ Wright
Officers and Committee Chairs for 2018 Ron Elliot has agreed to be the Treasurer again. If you know people who would like to get involved in Emeriti as an Officer or a Committee Chair please send their contact information Russ.
University/Faculty Standing Committee Reports
Changes to University Academic Regulation 3.10
Proposed changes: Remove the second degree minimum requirement for additional hours beyond the first bachelor’s degree. Clarify that the Bachelor of University Studies (BUS) cannot be earned as a second or concurrent OSU bachelor’s degree.
Changes to University Academic Regulations 3.11
Clarify working in VAR 3.11 At 2:35
Dennis made a motion to adjourn and Kent seconded motion.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tana Rutan