Monday, April 30, 2018
Executive Committee Members Present: Sharon Nivens, Anne Matoy, Dennis Bertholf, Tana Rutan, Charles Leider.
Committee Chairs/Representatives Present: Doug Aichele, Jack Dillwith, Althea Wright, Russ Wright, Zane Quible, Clem Ward.
Agenda: Approved Approval of March 26
Minutes: Stand as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: Approved by: Ron Elliott, Treasurer
In Ron’s absence Sharon gave the report and it was accepted. Ron did purchase the computer for the Emeriti office. It is connected to the OSU network and ready to use.
Reports and Updates
Vice-President Activities
Dennis Bertholf
Catering and Reservations
Clem Ward
May 7 th Dinner with OLLI is set at Meditations at 6:00 P.M. So far 136 people have signed up. The caterer is not lined up for June 4th dinner meeting but will have it settled soon. He mentioned having the summer get together at Hide-Away. We all agreed to go ahead and plan it. Due to carpet renovations taking place we need to have our September Dinner meeting on September 10th. Clem will see if we can use the same room at the Student Union we had last year with Meditations as a backup.
Monthly Programs
Russ Wright
Our speaker at the June 4th meeting will be Mark Blakeman, Director of the new McKnight Center, 6:00 P.M. at the Alumni Center. For September 10th Provost Sandefur will be our speaker. For our Fall Speakers Russ hopes to get Coach Boynton for October and for November someone from the Public Library.
Interest Groups
The Proposal
Zane Quible
The proposal was discussed and all agreed the new third type of monthly program being suggested would be a good way to go. Zane will put it into action and we will have topics in monthly “Making the Most of Retirement” as follows:
“This is a proposal recommending that a third type of program offering be added to Making the Most of Retirement special interest group." Assuming the proposal is approved, a mix of the three types of programs will be offered at the special interest group’s monthly meetings.
Initially, Making the Most of Retirement had one type of programming: Speakers who presented information on a specific topic, followed by a Q&A at the end of their presentation. At the February 2016 meeting, a second type of program offering was initiated: Armchair traveler series. These sessions involved travelers discussing the content of their photos displayed in a PowerPoint presentation.
Now a third type of monthly program is being suggested: Moderated discussion groups in which the program moderator leads the attendees in a discussion of a specified topic. The session topics being presented should fit into one or more of the five following broad areas that confront retirees on a regular, if not daily, basis: (1) Finances, (2) security, (3) daily living and accommodations, (4) volunteering, (5) personal interests/self-fulfillment.
It is anticipated that the two main purposes of the moderated discussion group sessions will be (1) to share information and (2) to acquire information. Thus, attendees will have the opportunity to provide information as well as to ask questions of those sharing information.
Examples of topics that might be discussed at these sessions are the following: Estate planning tips, caring for the caregiver, downsizing, techniques to maintain one’s memory skills, content of a document created to assist one’s heirs in dealing with a decedent’s estate, protecting personal information, etc.
Additional points:
The topic of a moderated discussion group program will be announced in notices (e-mails sent to Emeriti members as well as sent to prior attendees of Making the Most of Retirement programs; What’s Happening column in the Stillwater News Press; Community Connection; the retiredinstillwater blog; and the monthly Update distributed at the Monday night dinners) circulated about the upcoming monthly meeting.
Where appropriate, a suggested reading list of material found on the Internet about the topic pertaining to the upcoming monthly meeting will be provided in the various meeting announcements. Reading of the material is not obligatory.
Guest moderators can volunteer to moderate a session on a topic of interest to them, given that it fits into one or more of the five broad topics mentioned above.
An attempt will be made to capture the main points of the discussion and subsequently to put this information on the Internet where it can be readily accessed by others.
The primary role of the moderator will be to facilitate the discussion during the meeting and not necessarily to share an abundance of information about the topic being discussed. “
Next Meeting for Making the Most of Retirement: Louise Schroeder: “Planning for Senior Living” on May 16 at the Public Library.
Anne Matoy
Anne found out Retirees are eligible to attend the SGA and Campus Life events at no cost. She is working with HR to develop an informational packet for retirees to take with them at the time of their retirement: This packet will list all benefits they are eligible for at retirement and at time of death. This will be a great reference guide to the retiree’s family. She mentioned AARP as a helpful packet and Zane will share the one he has developed for his family.
Dolores Willett
Her report shows 8 new members in 2018. 9 Members are not renewing in 2018, contacted by phone. 12 Members renewed after March 1 (reminded by phone calls.)
Anne mentioned we need to discuss at the May Council meeting the filling of open positions on the Council. Several positions will be open at the end of December.
Sharon Nivens
Sharon mentioned our urgent need for a communications person and a photographer.
Include in the Update for Monday May 7 Meeting:
Include an appeal for a communications person and a photographer, an appeal for more Ambassadors to help at Graduation. Mention upcoming Events (travel and making the most of retirement.) Also mention SGA and Campus Life events available to Retirees.
Faculty Council
Barbara Miller
At the recent Faculty Council meeting Barbara presented the reasons for and benefits of joining the Emeriti Association upon retirement. In her report she mentioned an accelerated Master’s Degree program has been approved. A $10,000.00 raise to those promoted to full professorship level has been approved. This still leaves OSU $19,000.00 behind a full professorship in other Big 12 Universities.
Academic Standards & Policies
Kathryn Castle
Kathryn sent her report about the discussion on a new grade appeal policy. If you have questions about this policy and changes please get in touch with Scott Johnson.
Russ Wright
Russ has 5 volunteers to work the first 3 graduation sessions. He has only 3 volunteers to work the last 2 sessions. Sharon has volunteered to make 3 total for those last 2 sessions. Russ says 3 is not enough people, we need more to make it all work well. Russ will make a brief announcement about needing Graduation Ambassadors at Monday night’s meeting.
Next Emeriti Council Meeting Due to Memorial Day Holliday, the next Council Meeting will be on Monday May 21, 2018 at 3:00.
Sharon asked for a motion to adjourn, Charles made a motion to adjourn and Clem seconded and we adjourned at 2:22 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tana Rutan