Monday, MARCH 26, 2018
Executive Committee Members Present: Sharon Nivens, Anne Matoy, Dennis Bertholf, Tana Rutan.
Committee Chairs/Representatives Present: Kay Keys, Doug Aichele, Judy Lewis, Jack Dillwith, Bob Wettemann, Mike Lorenz, Dolores Willett, Barbara Miller, Althea Wright, Andrea Arquitt, Russ Wright, Zane Quible and Misty Burke.
Agenda: Approved
Council minutes: February 26, 2018, Approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: Approved by: Ron Elliott, Treasurer
Outstanding checks for February of $1,575.00 not included in this report. These checks will be included next month. Total Spendable Assets are $38,172.75. Report accepted as presented.
Reports and Updates
Ron is continuing to work with Denise on the computer purchase for the Emeriti office.
Judy Lewis suggested we give a pizza lunch to the OSU department working on our Emeriti Banner as they are doing it at no charge to us.
UPDATE: For Monday night dinner meeting The Update will include; travel news, and a list of our future speakers. 2017 Financial Review Dennis Bertholf Dennis reported that everything in the Financial Review was in order and that Ron does a good job with all details involved. The 2017 Financial Review was accepted as presented.
Vice-President of Activities
Dennis Bertholf
Catering and Reservations
Clem Ward
The April caterer is Klein’s, basically the same menu and cost as the last 2 – 3 with them.
I checked on the inclement weather policy of our usual caterers. Below is my report. Tana can put this in the minutes. In essence, no one is very concerned about inclement weather. Klein's had 4 events the day of the ice storm a month ago, cancelled all four and didn't charge anyone anything. Let me know if the Council has further questions.
Inclement weather summary of caterers,
March 2018
Celebrations Catering- 33% cancellation fee if client cancels and OSU is open; if OSU is closed, no charge
Meditations Catering – are flexible, work with client; prefer to schedule in 7 days (assuming food has been ordered)
Mexico Joe’s Catering – no policy; have only had this happen a couple times in 8 years
Klein’s Catering – no policy, use common sense, work with event organizer; will cancel if it endangers employees, but never charge for a cancellation.
Monthly Programs
Russ Wright
Carolyn Headrick our speaker for April wants us to donate $100.00 to the Public Library rather than paying her.
Future Programs
May 7--Joint Meeting with OLLI at Meditations, 6:00 P.M. OLLI will provide Entertainment.
June 4--Mark Blakeman, Director of McKnight Center, 6:00 P.M. Click Hall, Alumni Center. Exact title to follow but Mr. Blakeman will discuss construction progress of McKnight Center and highlights planned future events.
Jack Stout is planning a trip for us to OKC to the Lyric Theater to see “Hello Dolly.” He is also planning a day trip to OKC to view the Norman Rockwell Art Exhibit. He will distribute fliers at this Monday night’s dinner.
Making the Most of Retirement
Zane Quible
On April 18th Stephanie Hesser and Jennifer Muret: “Volunteering for Stillwater Habitat for Humanity and the Habitat’s Restore” -3 rd Floor Reception Area, Stillwater Public Library.
Technology Group
Glade Presnal
They will have a class on preventing “Unwanted Calls” since they did not have the class earlier as planned.
President Elect
Charles Leider
Anne Matoy
Anne talked to Darlene Hightower about Software for Retirees. Darlene told her the software must be approved manually and OSU pays separately for Software issued to Retirees. The Retiree must still be working on projects with OSU and an official OSU Retiree to be eligible to get the software package. Darlene has no recollection that a Retiree would automatically be eligible for any software. She will try to research and verify this situation. Anne will check back with Darlene.
Many Retirees are surprised to find that after leaving the University they are still able to use their OSU email address. It was suggested that a statement about the email continuation be included in the “How to Retire” presentation.
Doug asked about the Cohn Family Animal Shelter. He wanted to know if people can still leave their pets there while out of town. Mike Lorenz explained it is run by Animal Resources and is open to clients of the OSU Vet Hospital. Also at this time it is under renovation. Mike will look into this and give us an update.
Dolores Willett
They are working on refreshing the directory. She passed around the list of Retirees retiring since July 2017, asking if we know any of them to please give them a nudge to join the Emeriti Association.
Misty reported on the revised data base of members and the emailing process out to members has been simplified. The file for the previous year can be saved and copied easily to the next year. She also mentioned being able to give access to Ron in case of an emergency.
Faculty Council
Barbara Miller
President Hargis is still worried about the budget and a short fall if a strike occurs. They want to un-name a building but there isn’t a policy to un-name a building so a committee has been formed to create an un-naming policy. The policy on security checks on faculty hires will include checking on their degrees at the same time. The Undergrad qualifications have been changed to Sophomore-30%, Junior-60%, and Senor-90%. Barbara will give an informational presentation on the Emeriti Association in April to the Faculty Council. Please send to her email, Barbara.miller@okstate.edu any suggestions about what we do and accomplish in the Emeriti.
Russ Wright
We need additional volunteers to be Emeriti Ambassadors. I am sure we will be asked to distribute the graduation booklets at the OSU Spring Commencement, I believe May 12. Please see Russ Wright if you would like more information on the Emeriti Ambassador Program.
McAlester’s Deli Fundraiser
Sharon reported on an email from McAlester’s. They are available for a fund raiser for the Emeriti Association. After talking it over it was decided we will not do a fund raiser.
Inclement Weather Policy
Suggestions: If OSU is closed all Emeriti on campus activities are canceled, if public schools are closed all” Making the Most of Retirement” sessions are canceled…an email can be sent out to the attendees of the “Making the Most of Retirement” sessions. All agreed to establish a formal statement in Policies and Procedures. Andrea will work on this for us. The policy will be announced at the May meeting.
McCollum Financial Gift
The committee met one time and will require another meeting before a decision is made as to the best use of this generous gift.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tana Rutan