Monday, October 29, 2018
Executive Committee Members present: Sharon Nivens, Tana Rutan, Ron Elliott, Anne Matoy, and Dennis Bertholf.
Committee Chairs/Representatives present: Kay Keys, Zane Quible, Clem Ward, Russ Wright, Bob Wettemann, Barbara Miller, Mike Lorenz, Judy Lewis, Jack Dillwith, Althea Wright, and Doug Aichele.
Agenda: The proposed officers for 2019 were added to agenda.
Council Minutes: Approved by: Tana Rutan, Secretary
The minutes stand approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: Approved by: Ron Elliott, Treasurer
Ron noted the McCollom donation moved from the checking account into the endowment fund and this will show a total of over $40,000.00 next month. The Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
Proposed Officers for 2019: Anne Matoy
Due to health issues Chuck Leider will not be able to be the president in 2019. Sharon Nivens has agreed to step up as President for one more year. Anne Matoy will stay as Past President for 2019. President Elect – Mike Lorenz. Vice President Activities - Fayeann Presnal. Secretary – Kay Keys through 2021, Treasurer – Ron Elliott (2020), Councilors Terms Expiring in 2020 are Doug Aichele and Bob Wetteman. Councilors Terms Expiring in 2021 are Tana Rutan, Gladeen Allred, Barbara Miller, and Jim Halligan.
Reports & Updates
Vice-President Activities
Dennis Bertholf
Catering & Reservations
Clem Ward
The reservation count was not in at this time but Clem expects a great turn out for the November dinner meeting since the speaker is Coach Boynton and Mexico Joes will provide the meal.
Monthly Programs
Russ Wright
Russ mentioned Fayeann will take over getting our program speakers starting in January but he has arranged for Ruthann Cavins with CASA to be the speaker for March.
Making the Most of Retirement
Zane Quible
Zane has all classes scheduled for the 2019 year. For the January class Dennis Bertholf will hold a moderated discussion group on – Tax Planning for Retirees.
Technology Group
Glade Presnal
no report
President Elect
Chuck Leider
Dolores Willett
no report
Sharon Nivens
Faculty Council
Barbara Miller
President Hargis mentioned that some of the extra dollars found at the Capital have been marked for other things but he hopes OSU will get something out of it. The implementation of new educational software is underway. She did talk to the Faculty Council about the OLLI Classes and the need for more presenters. Facilities reported they are working on increasing and updating security. They are also working on making the older buildings in ADA compliance. The Intellectual Property policy has been revised but may still have a problem when two Universities are working on the same project. The Wellness center is offering education on Suicide Prevention.
Russ Wright
He has about seven volunteers for the Commencements.
Academic Standards & Policies
Kathryn Castle
The Academic Standards and Policies Committee met October 8 to discuss two items. Registrar Peaster attended the meeting and explained how the change in online posting of grades would be implemented as a pilot this semester. Then any changes to improve the process will be made prior to full implementation spring semester. She also presented proposed changes to the Credit by Exam policies (please see attached). The changes involve a clarification of exams that can be submitted to count in undergraduate degree programs such as Advanced Placement exams. Also such exams must be from senior level colleges (not community colleges).
The committee was asked to approve the proposed changes and did so unanimously.
College of Education Mailing List Request
Sharon Nivens
Sharon has a request from the College of Ed asking us to share our Emeriti Mailing List with them so they can send announcements out that may apply to retirees. After discussion we all agreed that Sharon will reply to them as follows: They may work with H.R. to get a list of retirees if they like.
Scholarship Funding
Ron Elliott
Ron explained the need for another $600.00 of Emeriti funds to go into the Endowment fund in order to be able to present two $1,000.00 Scholarships in 2019 and 2020. We all agreed to this. Ron made a motion to move the $600.00 from Emeriti funds into the Scholarship fund making it possible to give two scholarships in 2019 and 2020. Dennis seconded and motion was approved.
Communications Chair Proposal
Zane Quible
Zane shared an example of the revised newsletter that he has been working on. His idea is to send it out electronically to all Emeriti members possibly 10 times per year. It would be about four pages long and include updates on our activities and many things of interest to retirees. This newsletter will eliminate the need for a monthly Update publication delivered at the dinner meetings. We did recommend getting a list of members who do not have email and will need a mailed copy. After discussion regarding allowing the Communications Chair (Zane) to have access to the email address list of all members we realized it would be best if the President also had access to this email list. A motion was made by Doug to accept Zane’s proposal on this new restructure of sending out our communications to the members. It was seconded by Dennis and motion passed. This motion was amended by Doug to allow the Communications Chair (Zane) and the Emeriti Council President to have access to this email list. It was seconded by Dennis and motion passed.
Membership Survey
Clem Ward
Clem has researched the AROHE newsletter and web site and has found a way to possibly increase retiree interest in the Emeriti Association. AROHE uses a survey to ask retirees about how they stay active and involved in retirement. He has created and shared with us a similar survey for the Emeriti Council to send out. After discussion Clem made a motion that we send this survey out to members. Dennis seconded and motion was passed.
At 2:45 Sharon declared our adjournment.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tana Rutan